Sunday, 2 March 2014

BertieBotts vs Theory

Hello people of the twenty first century! I slightly touched on me being a band-nerd in a previous blog, if you haven't read that one, it'd be awesome if you could after you have read this.

I started playing clarinet in Grade 4/5 (can't really remember), and as I am now in Grade 10, I have been playing for over 5 years. This is pretty impressive if you ask me. Not only because playing a musical instrument requires a lot of time, practice and persistence, but because I have completed 2 AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board) exams, and this year am hoping to complete my Grade 6 clarinet exam. The higher the level of exam the more difficult, and until now, I have been able to avoid theory. Not any more. To pass this year I also have to complete a Grade 3 Theory exam, and pass.

I'm not going to lie, I actually kind of enjoy theory. Most people don't believe this and think I'm insane, but I guess each to there own. But, if it ever came to Practical work, or theory, I'll pick Practical by a mile. I slightly touched on Grade 1 theory, although, this was around three years ago. So yeah, my memory has faded a little.

My music teacher has encouraged me to start theory lessons for a while now. So today, I had my first ever proper lesson. It was a little nerve racking, I thought I would be terrible. I was a little bit actually. It must've seemed like I flunked my way through a few grades. I was a little embarrassed with some stuff that I have to do, especially since it was one of the first things you should have learnt. Whoops. But overall, I went fairly well.

My teacher is actually only in Grade 12, so she's only a couple years older than me. This makes me a little more relieved, especially since she would know about the school work and whatever else we are given to complete in the afternoons. I was extremely happy I had a teacher that I not only got on well with, but could also have a laugh with. She was also completely understanding when I had no clue what I was doing, which was a relief.

Honestly, I was hoping that I would get out of doing homework, but of course not. I actually got around 10 pages of my work book to do. But, fortunately, this didn't take that long because it was mostly simple stuff. So yeah, I've got another lesson in a few days time, and I'm hoping that will go well. It's almost as if I'm back to start, to learn again. But I'm see how it goes, I mean if I wan't to pass I have to do it.

I really hope you guys are enjoying reading these blogs. I have absolutely no idea if you like them or not, I haven't had any feedback. But by all means, if you enjoy these, please either leave a comment, follow, and definitely keep reading! I would appreciate that a whole lot.

Thank you!
Bertie Botts

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